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  • Lucky Tickets For The Graduate
  • Lucky Tickets For The Graduate

Lucky Tickets For The Graduate

$ 9.95

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Product Details

Gifting gold! This booklet of shiny tickets is full of fun ways to celebrate the grad’s achievements and toast to their bright future. 

This latest addition to the Lucky Ticket series is a thoughtful gift for grads. Inside are twelve gilded tickets redeemable for sweet surprises like a day of post-achievement destressing, or a stroll through memory lane to remind the graduate of how far they’ve come.

JUST THE TICKET: After all their hard work, the grad deserves to feel like a winner. These tickets will make them feel like they hit the jackpot, with treats for relaxation, letting loose, and everything in between. Each ticket is all decked out with the magic of gold foil. Fun surprises the grad will love, presented as a shiny gold ticket? That’s a winning gift.

ADD A PERSONAL TOUCH: Each ticket offers space on the back to add a personal touch, and the booklet includes one blank ticket that you can fill in with your own customized surprise.

GIVE ALL AT ONCE, OR INDIVIDUALLY: The tickets are easily removable, so you can give them out one at a time or give the whole booklet at once. You can even team up with friends and family and give one ticket from each person!

Perfect for:

  • Family and friends of graduates from high school, college, or grad school
  • Anyone shopping for affordable but unique gifts for the grad

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